Parent Information
Current Newsletter & Calendars
Notable Dates
Aug. 29 - Open Houses
Grovers 9-9:30, Spots 9:45-10:15, Franklins 10:30-11:30
Sept. 3 - 1st day of school Spots & Franklins
Sept. 4 - 1st day of school Grovers
Oct. 28 - No school - NCSD#1 Professional Dev. Day
Nov. 25-29 - Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 23-Jan. 3 - Christmas Break
Jan. 6 - School Resumes
Jan. 20 - No School - Equality Day
Feb. 12-13 - No Classes - CDC Parent/Teacher Conferences
Feb. 14 - No School - NCSD#1 Professional Dev. Day
Feb. 17 - No School - President's Day
March 24-28 - No School - Spring Break
April 18 - No School - Good Friday
May 20 - Last full day for Spot class
May 21 - Last full day for Franklin and Grover classes
May 21 - Franklin Class Program and Violin Concert
May 22 - All Class Picnic
May 22 - Grover Class Program

Important Information
(Some of this information is slightly different due to COVID protocols. Please see the Paperwork Links for policies pertaining to changes in drop-off & pick-up routines as well as other questions about this year. Refer to the Health Guidelines section for COVID health information.)
The Center will send home a periodic newsletter and calendar so parents can see what activities are in store for the children for each theme. This is a way for parents to have pointed conversations with their child about what they took away from their day.
We will provide each child with one school bag with his/her name on it. If the bag is lost, a new one may be purchased for a small amount. This bag will prevent windblown loss of projects and important notes coming home, and needs to be at school each day.
Throughout the school year each child will have several opportunities to be the VIP (Very Important Person) for the day. On your child’s special day, he/she will wear the VIP vest/button and bring his/her own special item to show and tell.
The teacher will release the children when the teacher and children are ready. Contact the teacher if you need to make special arrangements for an earlier drop-off time. Parents who are consistently late in picking up their children will have a charge added to their tuition.
For the children’s safety, there will be no driving through the road between the playground and the preschool entrance. Cars may park in the south parking lot (toward the mountain). On days when sidewalks are icy, our parking lot can be treacherous. You may use the front (east) and side (south & north) doors on days when icy conditions exist. Parents will still need to sign in at the regular spot, even when using a different door.
Our Center tries to offer a variety of snacks that are wholesome and low in sugar. Water, fruit juice and 1% milk are served as the beverages. We provide students with a variety of textures and tastes. Please notify your child’s teacher of any allergy concerns.
Parents and caregivers are an essential part of our program. Helpers work in learning centers and project rooms with children. No prior planning is required. Opportunities to sign-up to help will be available throughout the school year.
If an emergency should arise involving our building, we will contact parents. We have permission to use St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, which is the building directly to the south of us, if we should need to move the children further away from the building or if the weather is an issue.
Our Center believes in discipline that is firm and fair. When a situation warrants action, the child or children are kindly and firmly removed from the group to a nurturing “cool-off” spot, designed to help children make better choices. When the children are ready, they may return to the group with acceptable behavior. Continued misbehavior will be discussed with parents on a one-to-one basis and resources will be recommended that address challenging behaviors. If unacceptable behavior continues, parents may be asked to withdraw their child from the child development center.
Shepherd of the Hills Child Development Center will not provide any transportation for students. All field trips will come to us. These are wonderful enrichment experiences that allow children additional learning in the classroom.
Child care liability insurance is carried through the church.
We do not allow pools so there will be no swimming or wading.
Weapons are not allowed on the premises except by law enforcement.
Animals are not allowed around the children.
Communication is vital to our preschool. When you share information about any changes at home, we will be able to better help your child have a positive experience at school. For resolution of problems:
- Please contact your child’s teacher and arrange a time to discuss the concern
- If the concern was not addressed to your satisfaction, contact the Director of the Center
- If you do not get a satisfactory answer from the Director, please notify the President of the Board of Directors of the Center
- If you are not satisfied after following these steps, contact the Department of Family Services
- Parents have the right to obtain complaint and compliance histories of childcare providers from DFS

Paperwork Links
Registration Paperwork:​​
Paperwork due at start of school year:
Other Parent Information & Forms:
Financial and Enrollment Information
Families with children currently enrolled or previously enrolled, or members of Shepherd of the Hills Church will be given priority in enrolling their children in our program for the following year. The board determines the date for public registration yearly. Parents should call in January to determine dates for registration.
A $50 registration fee is required for each child at the time of registration. This will be refunded only if the family moves from the Casper area prior to the opening of school in the fall.
Tuition is due the first class day of the month. (See Program page for tuition costs.) There will be a $15 late fee for any payment received after the 15th of the month. A $5 fee will be charged every weekday it is late thereafter. Please talk to the director if there are extenuating circumstances to having tuition in on time. A returned check due to insufficient funds will result in the bank fee charge. A box is placed in the coatroom in which parents may drop their payment. We will not accept cash unless a written receipt from a staff member has been given to the parent. Please make checks payable to CDC (Child Development Center) and write your child’s name on the check for accuracy.
A secure mailbox is located outside the preschool entrance for after hours payments.
Special monthly tuition rates are given to families with two or more children enrolled in the Center:
1st child full rate
2nd child $5 discount per month
3rd child $10 discount per month
If tuition payments are not made in a timely manner, another eligible student may fill the child’s position in our program.
A child enrolling after the first of any month or withdrawing before the last school day of the month will have the tuition pro-rated on a daily basis.
No deduction will be allowed for absences occurring when children are taken out of school for the parents’ convenience, sickness, vacation trips and so forth.
If parents desire to withdraw their child during the school term, the center must be notified in advance by calling the director or by written notice to the director. If the child withdraws without advance notice to the director, tuition will still be charged.
After December 31, new students will be accepted on a trial basis. No new child will be accepted after April 1st.
Registration forms, including a medical release from the child’s doctor and immunization forms must be filed with the Center at the opening of school.

Health Guidelines
Normal first aid procedures will be followed for bumps, bruises, and scrapes. Our staff is trained in first aid and CPR. We will only administer medication on a limited basis and only with parental permission and in certain cases, a doctor’s note. In case of the need for medical treatment, parents will be contacted, or we will call 911. Parents will be responsible for payment of medical obligations.
Preventing the spread of illness and infectious diseases is an important and necessary component of the Center. If your child is ill, keep him/her home. Please inform the Center if your child contracts a communicable disease. If you child has a fever with a temperature of 99 degrees or above, he/she will be sent home. Please keep your child home for 24 hours after his/her fever has broken. If your child cannot participate in regular program activities due to discomfort, injury or other symptoms of illness, he/she may be asked to stay home.
DFS (the Department of Family Services) provides the following guidelines for child care providers on who may not be admitted if they are showing any of the illnesses/symptoms of illness specified below:
Severe diarrhea
Severe pain or discomfort
Two or more episodes of acute vomiting within a period of twenty-four (24) hours;
Difficult or rapid breathing;
Yellowish eyes or skin;
Sore throat with a fever over 101º F or severe coughing;
Untreated head lice or nits;
Untreated scabies;
Children suspected of being in contagious stages of chicken pox, pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella or diphtheria; or
Purulent conjunctivitis
As required, the teachers and staff have received training on the administration of medication and will only administer medication under the following conditions.
Medications are prescribed by a licensed health professional. Commonly used non-prescription over the counter medications including, but not limited to ointments, repellents, lotions, creams, or powders for which, a medication consent form has been given to the child care facility by the parents or legal guardians. Any deviation from recommended dosage on the label must be accompanied by physician’s written instructions,
Medications bear their original prescription label or manufacturer’s label and are in safety lock containers, transported and stored safely with regard to temperature, light and other physical storage requirements,
A signed medication consent form must have been submitted by the child’s parent or legal guardian and include specific instructions for the date and time to be administered and dosage.
Children with the following symptoms should be excluded from childcare unless they are under the care of a physician and the physician has approved in writing their return to childcare:
Skin rashes, excluding diaper rash, lasting more than one (1) day.
Swollen joints or visibly enlarged lymph nodes
Elevated oral temperature of 101º F or over;
Blood in urine;
Mouth sores associated with drooling; or
Having a communicable disease or being a carrier of such, that is listed on the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) Reportable Disease and Condition List
The parent shall be notified immediately when a child has symptoms requiring exclusion from care.
The child will be kept isolated from other children until the child is removed from the facility.
Masks are not required. However, if your child develops symptoms of being sick while at school, we will call you and ask if you would like to pick up your child or have them wear a mask until the regular pick-up time. If your child develops a fever or is nauseous, you will be asked to pick up your child. Please keep your child home if they or anyone in the household shows any signs of being sick and opt on the side of caution.